Hi Mark,

how do you run rpmdrake ? I tried "rpmdrake" from a console, it does not seem to
be installed (by default ?). I'm running a Mandrake 6.1.
Also, I did a find / -name rpmdrake -print and nothing came out.



Mark wrote:

> I just got mine to work yesterday.  Here is what i had to do:
> 1. D/L the newest drives from http://linux.aureal.com
> 2. make sure that these packages are installed.  Open up rpmdrake and show the
> installed packages and search form the kernel source, gcc, and make.  If any of
> them are not found, install them.
> 3.  Then for a 8830 chip, tar -zxvf  auXXX.tar.gz then cd to that dir
> 4.  then (as root) type  make install
> that should be it.  i am runnign mandrake 7 with a Monster MX300 SC.
> if you need help, let me know.
> FlipZ
> > I have been crying for help for a few days now concerning aureal vortex
> > driver install for sound card. I have unzipped the tar file into a new dir
> > and tryed everything .
> >
> >            It seems I am missing something with the command line..not sure,
> > After cd to the driver dir I type " make install" and it will not work. Has
> > anyone downloaded the aureal linux driver for the 8830 chip set? if so did
> > ya get it to work? I have installed the "make" files and all seems to be in
> > place.
> >
> >     help
> >
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