On Mon, 13 Mar 2000, Kit wrote:
> BOY, I agree...with you BIGTIME...noone wants to help...they just
> want to 
> tell you to go somewhere and read...well, thats what I've been
> doing...and doing
> and doing...but it still does no good...most all tutorials are
> very poorly written.
> they use too much technical jargon...they don't remember that
> HELP means you must
> help them on the persons level of understanding...if they had
> technical knowlegdge,
> they wouldn't be asking questions...they would of fix their own
> problem...man, what 
> a bunch of dum people...for knowing so much as they do...

May I interject my two cents?
I am a relative newbie but making progress and learning.
Perhaps you got the wrong impression when you started this, but Linux is not a
Mac and Linux is not Windows.
Most of the people writing these various technical notes are doing it for free
and certainly anyone providing help on the list is doing so for free.  I have a
stack of How-To's and manuals that reach to the ceiling and, although these
documents are not textbooks, they're certainly helpful, and I have learned a
lot by reading them.  It has not been easy, but the challenge has kept my brain
from rotting.  It has cost me only my time, paper and ink cartridges.  In
return, I have received an education probably of more value than one for which
I would have paid tuition.
Maybe one day I will know enough about Linux to write you a nice,
easy-to-understand manual.  But
a) you will have to pay me for it and
b) it will be out-of-date by the time it gets into print.
With that said, may I suggest for you several good references.  They will all
cost you money, and you will still have to read them, but in them I have found
many answers to questions posted on these lists.
"Using Caldera Open Linux" (QUE Pub.)  Although specific to Caldera, there's
lots of stuff in it for Linux in general.
"Practical KDE" (QUE pub.)
"Running Linux (3rd edition)" (O'Reilly pub.)

and my final suggestion, based on what I see about problems posted on many of
the lists is, bag the Red Hat (Mandrake) and load up Caldera 2.3.

Perhaps more than two cents.

Tony Alfrey
"I'd rather be sailing"

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