thanks for the tip.  I guess that is what another subscriber was referring to as allocating X MB for /home, X MB for /usr etc etc...I didn't know you could do that with Linux.

Also, whilst I have the soapbox, I would just like to say there has been some flaming going on about people asking questions that might be provided in the documentation.  Some of the docs with Linux are obscure and written by Linux gurus and therefore hard to read and understand for us "newbies".  I am a one time computer tech from Dos/Windows days and still have trouble understanding much Linux stuff.  I have been using it full time for over a week now and have come to appreciate the power and versatility of the OS and will make a total migration to it for everything but games (for obvious reasons).  I love it, it works well , and on the odd occasion it does hang, just type xkill and away you go.  Not like Wind'ohs.. 
Any more advanced users out there, just tolerate my spupidity and other stupidity like it for a while and eventually we will be teaching the new users to the list what you have taught us.

thanks again so much for the tip.  It answered my Q exactly.


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