ENOUGH, please use your good sense of HELP for us NEWBIES and just ignore
these that think they have to FLAME others or be FLAMED themselves.  Our
analysis of them is irrelevant and unnecessary.  Pass over their FLAMES
and go on with your lives and ours.  I know it is a little difficult at
times, to ignore, but give us, as NEWBIES, a big BREAK.  We can over look
this type and find what we are looking for to go on.

I would like to thank ALL that are here to assist us with our learning
problems and our attempts to get a leg up on Linux/xxxxxxxx, what ever
the type of OS you are working with.  I do think that Mandrake is the
most forgiving and the easiest to learn and use for US Newbies.  I am so
new I have NEWBY, NEWBY, NEWBY in front of my access.  

Now I have a question, what is required to correct the problem with the
nfslock FAILURE when booting up/w an error code of 101 showing as well? 
I had a problem the other day that my system locked up and would not
recognize my KBD nor would the mouse assist in any way.  The only
solution was to use the RESET button on the front of the TOWER.  Now I
have this prob/w the nfslock and even linuxconf --status and linuxconf
--update will not correct nor even assist in HOW to correct this PROB.

Any ideas?


I thought I knew that I knew what I thought
But now I know that what I thought I knew
Isn't what I know I think I thought I knew.

On Tue, 14 Mar 2000 06:29:58 -0500 "Joseph S. Gardner"
> Rial Juan wrote:
> > Kiddo,
> >
> > before you even start THINKING about running linux, you must be 
> well aware that
> > it's a pretty hard OS to master for those with absolutely no 
> technical
> > background. Linux is an operating system that tries to hide 
> nothing for the
> > user, unlike MS Windows. If you have no basic understanding of how 
> a computer
> > works, and I don't mean knowing your way around in WordPerfect or 
> something like
> > that, I mean: how a computer works internally, well, if you don't 
> have a basic
> > understanding about that, then linux is not for you. Also, what's 
> that stupid
> > remark about "too much technical jargon" anyway? This is a 
> hacker's OS, what did
> > you expect? If it's too technical for you, well... Nobody forces 
> you to run it.
> >
> > What pisses me off the most is people who don't even know how to 
> upgrade their
> > graphics card, insist on running linux because they heard some 
> hype about it,
> > and then get all frustrated when it's not as easy as baking an 
> egg.
> >
> > Also, nobody cares to read manuals anymore. Everybody on this list 
> claims to
> > have read all the apropriate manuals/docs, but found nothing, so 
> they ask here.
> > And then they expect us "guru's" to solve their problems. 
> Meanwhile the thing
> > they're asking is usually explained in detail somewhere between 
> the second and
> > seventh paragraph in the man-page of the program that's causing 
> them trouble.
> > But that means they have to type in "man rpm" or something, and 
> that's too
> > hard. I wonder what the heck makes people decide to run linux 
> anyway, if reading
> > some documentation is too hard, or too much to ask?
> >
> > I for one don't even bother answering questions to which the 
> answers are
> > trivial, or easy to look up. I have enough work looking up the 
> solutions to my
> > own problems.
> >
> > Kit: "noone wants to help..." Now let's say you sell your car. 
> Someone comes
> > over and buys it. Then a week later he's at your door again. "How 
> do I shift up
> > or down?" --> "Manual page 15 and where the heck did you get your 
> driver's
> > license?" Then 3 days later he comes back "And how about reverse, 
> does my car
> > have one?" --> "Still manual page 15, and of course it has one, 
> you moron!" Then
> > 4 days later he comes back "How do I turn on the radio?" --> 
> "Explained on page
> > 4 in the radio manual. Never seen an on/off swicth before?" Then a 
> few days
> > later "I heard rumours that you can slide the seat to the front or 
> back so you
> > can reach the pedals better. Is that true? Is it worth the effort? 
> Won't it
> > degrade the lateral tire-pressure? My feet won't get stuck in the 
> engine, will
> > they?"
> >
> > I think you'd grabbed a big gun by the third time the dude comes 
> over, shot the
> > bastard trough the head, hid the body, and sold the car again. 
> This time to
> > someone with an IQ higher than that of a carrot.
> >
> > On Mar 13 Kit wrote:
> >
> > > BOY, I agree...with you BIGTIME...noone wants to help...they 
> just
> > > want to
> > > tell you to go somewhere and read...well, thats what I've been
> > > doing...and doing
> > > and doing...but it still does no good...most all tutorials are
> > > very poorly written.
> > > they use too much technical jargon...they don't remember that
> > > HELP means you must
> > > help them on the persons level of understanding...if they had
> > > technical knowlegdge,
> > > they wouldn't be asking questions...they would of fix their own
> > > problem...man, what
> > > a bunch of dum people...for knowing so much as they do...
> > >
> >
> > --
> >
> > Rial Juan                        <http://nighty.ulyssis.org>
> >                 e-mail:              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Belgium            tel:                    (++32) 89/856533
> > ulyssis system admininstrator       <http://www.ulyssis.org>
> >
> > The little critters in nature; they don't know they're ugly.
> > That's very funny... A fly marying a bumble-bee...
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Sign the petition at http://www.libranet.com/petition.html
> > Help bring us more Linux Drivers
> Mr. Rial Juan,
> I can only say that thank God I entered the world of linux before 
> you started
> spewing forth your rhetoric otherwise I would never have become as 
> excited about the
> challenges of learning linux.  It's a shame that you have forgotten 
> the help and
> assistance you no doubt received when you first started.
> To the original poster, please accept our appologies as this is in 
> no way an example
> of the fine help you'll usually find here.  If you're unwilling to 
> post again
> please, feel free to contact me privately and I'll do the best I can 
> (I'm no expert
> but I manage).
> Mr. Rial Juan, welcome to my trash filter.
> --
> Joseph S. Gardner
> Senior Designer / Technical Support
> Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH
> Linux is like a wigwam...
> No windows, no gates.
> Apache inside

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