_-+Richard Kim=-_ wrote:
> Greg Martz wrote:
> >   Wow!  After trying several versions of redhat, 2 of slackware, and 1 of
> > TurboLinux I decided to get Mandrake and it installed first time.  No other
> > Linux distributions would install for me, way to go Mandrake!!
> >
> >   Only problem right now I seem to be having is with the Mandrake Update
> > program.  I have been trying to run it and none of the mirrors seem to work.
> > MDKUpdates opens and says "Please wait while fetching the list of upgrade
> > packages...", waits for several minutes, then says I should try another
> > mirror.  I tried manually FTP'ing to a couple of the sites and was able to
> > connect and login anonymously with no problems.  A couple of other sites
> > gave me a DNS error after logging in, I'm not sure about that problem
> > either.  Any ideas?
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Greg
> well you have to wait because I did that way in the morning AND it didnt work
> so I tried at the afternoon NOW it works, I guess the other ftp sites r offline
> or not accepting connections
you should try corel linux 2.2.14 it even networks likes windows

cheers chad 

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