Well, I guess you could try it. You'll probally have to make sure all users
have write/read access to mounted partitions, so make sure "umask=0" is located
in the options section of /etc/fstab. That will let anyone write to that
mounted partition. 

Once you get that done, you might be able to link ~/.netscape to your Windows
netscape folder. I'm not sure exacty how, as I've never really linked stuff
before, but try "man ln" for more info. 

But again, I'm not sure if it'll work or not (I'm just throwing out ideas) and
someone else may have a better, simpler way, or say my idea is wrong. But hey,
this is why I love Linux, the thrill of experimentation and trying to hack the
system to get it to work :)

> Hi all,
> I was wondering if it is possible in a dual boot system (linux, win98)
> to have Netscape for Linux share the user files with Netscape for
> windows, in a way of telling the linux version to look for the user
> directory in /mnt/dos/.../<Netscape user folder>, effectively sharing
> mail, bookmarks, browser settings, and cache content between OS's. Is
> this possible? I haven't noticed any customizable user folder setting in
> Netscape for windows, but is there such a thing in Netscape for Linux?
> Or some other way to do it?
> Thanks in advance,
> GG
Anthony Huereca
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

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