No, not every program is like that.  The thing is, you want to be 'root' when you install stuff to your machine because that's what keeps your system secure.  If anything could install itself to your system, you'd be wide open for a virus attack.  However, most programs only install a small amount to your /home directory allowing most things to be run from the server (or somewhere in the / directory).  Star Office has some pretty good features, yet it is also quite a system hog.  Netscape for example, has only a few config files in your /home directory and that's all it really takes.


andy wrote:

About installing programs that don't come in the standard Mandrake

Am I right in thinking that you must install them  in root? I did this with
Star Office 5.1, but couldn't find it..check that..I could find it but
couldn't work out how to make it run. I logged in as a user and followed the
instructions in the 'Read Me' file and set up a 'Workstation' installation
and the program then appeared in my menus and I could use it.

Does this happen with EVERY program I want to install? It seems a real waste
of space having to install a program twice (OR, at least a part of it).

When Mandrake does it's 'Standard' installation..I take it all the programs
that appear on your menu's are loaded onto your Hard Disc. How much space
does a standard install take? It seems to include a shed-load of games and
utilities I'd never use in a month of Sundays.  What's the simplest way of
getting rid of these to make sure I keep enough space for stuff I will
actually use.

My other question..Is there anywhere I can find out how much space I have
left on my Linux partition (i.e.-like under 'My Computer in W9X)?


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Michael Holt

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