> About installing programs that don't come in the standard Mandrake
> installation.
> Am I right in thinking that you must install them  in root? I did this with
> Star Office 5.1, but couldn't find it..check that..I could find it but
> couldn't work out how to make it run. 

What do you mean it couldn't work out how to make it run? What errors did it
give you? You should be able to install it as root just fine.

>I logged in as a user and followed the
> instructions in the 'Read Me' file and set up a 'Workstation' installation
> and the program then appeared in my menus and I could use it.
> Does this happen with EVERY program I want to install? It seems a real waste
> of space having to install a program twice (OR, at least a part of it).

No, most of the time you just install a program once. Install it as root, and
all the other users should be able to run it. 

> When Mandrake does it's 'Standard' installation..I take it all the programs
> that appear on your menu's are loaded onto your Hard Disc. How much space
> does a standard install take? It seems to include a shed-load of games and
> utilities I'd never use in a month of Sundays.  What's the simplest way of
> getting rid of these to make sure I keep enough space for stuff I will
> actually use.

Seems like the only way is to do a custom installation and deselect the gaming
pacakges. Or if you just want to do it in a slower route, but may be easier for
you, uninstall each game separately after you install the sytem, using "rpm -e

> My other question..Is there anywhere I can find out how much space I have
> left on my Linux partition (i.e.-like under 'My Computer in W9X)?

Type "df"  and it'll list all all the mounted partitions and the space left on
them. Or for a more graphical way, use "kdf".

Anthony Huereca
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

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