>Hello All,
>Trying to set up fetchmail - this is my .fetchmailrc file:
>poll mail.uk2.net
>protocol pop3
>user "txxxx"
>password "x"   
>However when I run fetchmail --check it says 'no mailservers have been

OK, I´m really no expert to this, but I have some ideas:

1) You have to add "is [localuser]" at the end of the line so that fetchmail 
knows for which user on the box the mail is.

2) perhaps you must write "pop3" in big letters (POP3), but I don´t think so.
The line would look like this now:

poll mail.uk2.net protocol POP3 user "txxx" password "x" is "Glen"

3) Where did you put ".fetchmailrc", and do you try to fetchmail as user or 
root? If you put it in the root-directory, only root (or scripts with root 
privilegs) can use it, and if a user tries to fetch mail, he´ll get this "no 
mailservers" error message. You could test if it makes a difference if you 
copy the file into the users home directory. I would suggest, however, that 
you keep the file in "/root" and add the line for fetchmail in your dialout-
script (once you got it to work). 


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