On this subject, does anyone know how many reboots it takes to hit the "Maximal
Mount Count" or the file that I can look at to see for myself? I'm just sorta
curious about how many reboots I get per "period". 

> > 
> > > I booted into mandrake and got an error message that:
> > > "hda3 and hda6 (linux partitions) had reached the maximal mount count,
> > > checked forced ."
> > > I assume this has something to do with /var/log/bootlog
> > > I think I read somewhere that there is a way to automatically remove old
> > > bootlogs and only keep the last (x) number of entries.
> > > In other words is there a way to automatically reset after 30 days, and
> > > move the old logs to another file to be put on a floppy?
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > Eunice
> > >
> > >
> AFAIK this is normal behavior, every so many boots the system decides to
> check partitions/disks somewhat like old Micro$oft's Scandisk.
> It can take some time, but is all in all a good idea.
> If it finds errors in the file system it also fixes them.
> Do you wan't to disable this?, or just delete logs, or what?
> Rgds:
> Mike Perry.
Anthony Huereca
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

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