That's called the "splash screen". To disable it, change your shortcut to start
netscape with the "-no-about-splash" option, or make it a system-wide alias in
/etc/bashrc (put it together with the other predefined aliases):

alias netscape="netscape -no-about-splash"

This disables the automatic loading of the splash scren.

On Apr 25 Glenn Johnson wrote:

> Hi all. Wondering why Netscape never goes to my home page upon loading. It
> always seems to go to some sort of internal 'about' screen. I HAVE set the
> preferred home page in preferences. If I click anywhere on the 'about' screen,
> then it goes to the home page.


Rial Juan                        <>
                e-mail:              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Belgium            tel:                    (++32) 89/856533
ulyssis system admininstrator       <>

The little critters in nature; they don't know they're ugly.
That's very funny... A fly marying a bumble-bee...


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