
> No matter what I try to add i always need something else. I have 3
> pcs on a network and flavours of linux on they are all unstable worse than
> windows ever was.

>And yet is is advertised that you could run  linux on a 486 with 16mb
> ram , I think somebody should pull that statement back. What more is that I did

> I cant do my graphic design because
> corel only provides me with and unstable gimp .
> this is where I would much prefer to just put windows back on all my pcs
> becuase I just cant win with this linux.
> so here is my final attempt  

>I want a file manager that works just like the one
> in corel linux os v1.1 in my mandrake. I want a graphic ppp dialer that does
> not give the deamon died error all the time i want a download manager of some
> description and I want stability.

> More I want somethong that does not require me to try and be what I am not
> Iam not a c++ programer or software research and devepement, I am a user and
> thats  what I  do I run my bussiness and I play games and I download things

> PS: excuse the spelling the kmail spellchecker doesnt work properly so i gave
> up with it .

Webster makes a good spellchecker.

Your post is nice attempt at a troll, but a little obvious. First try?


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