Hello again.

I was wondering if anyone could answer a query I have?

Is it possible for root to view the history of a users browser?  I asking as I am
writing a newspaper article about the Linux system.  Here in England, and I assume
elsewhere, there is great concern over the amount of control a parent has over their
childrens viewing of the interent especially with the growing prolifiation of porn 

This is an area that I think Linux and open source distributors could exploit.  With
parents as root and so able to give and cancel permissions, they would have greater
control over when and for how long a child could be on the internet.  If they can also
view the history logs of that users browser then again their worries over what their
child has viewed can be diminished.

Although free software is a plus and could creates a lot of interest, I feel that 
is most on the minds of concerned parents and is an area that should be highlighted if
Linux is to gain more supporters.

I'm sorry if this is a bit long winded but I would be glad to here any responses either
to my initial question or concerning the issue itself.


 --Learning at the deep end--

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