WolfRyder wrote:
> Being a parent, when I discovered my then 15 year old viewing porn sites,
> after specifically telling him he couldn't, he lost his computer privileges
> for 3 months. How, you may think, did I accomplish this? Well, when I went
> to work, so did the power cords. While at home, the computer was usable by
> me only.
> Ultimately, parental control isn't a piece of software on a computer, it's
> the guts to say no and mean it, even if you take away the CPU or Modem or
> whatever needs removing. Passwording is another way. People rely to heavily
> on "something else" to do the monitoring for them instead of doing for
> themselves.

I agree.  I have Freesco running as my gateway right now, and I have an
old terminal set up so I can watch the dns queries out of the corner of
my eye as I am working in my computer/electronics/reloading/hobby room. 
Definitely has came in handy.  If I see a disturbing site name come up,
I check it out.  If it is objectional, well, that was the last time
anyone in this household will ever see it on my network.  Perhaps a bit
high-handed, but then I am the one responsible for making sure that
society gets a quality product in another 4 yrs, and I think this will
help steer towards that path.

> And I agree, hate sites rank right on up there with porn.
> If anyone would like to discuss this further with me, feel free to email me
> directly.
> Carol
> At 04:42 AM 5/8/00 +0100, you wrote:
> >Hi ~
> >
> >For Netscape cache files, go to the user's home directory and cd
> >.netscape/cache
> >
> >There are sixteen subdirectories of cached pages.
> >
> >Personally, I'd be more concerned about race-hate stuff than penthouse
> >pictures ;-)
> >
> >Del
> >
> >Hello again.
> >
> >I was wondering if anyone could answer a query I have?
> >
> >Is it possible for root to view the history of a users browser?  I
> >asking as I am
> >writing a newspaper article about the Linux system.  Here in England,
> >and I assume
> >elsewhere, there is great concern over the amount of control a parent
> >has over their
> >childrens viewing of the interent especially with the growing
> >prolifiation of porn sites.
> >
> >This is an area that I think Linux and open source distributors could
> >exploit.  With
> >parents as root and so able to give and cancel permissions, they would
> >have greater
> >control over when and for how long a child could be on the internet.  If
> >they can also
> >view the history logs of that users browser then again their worries
> >over what their
> >child has viewed can be diminished.
> >
> >Although free software is a plus and could creates a lot of interest, I
> >feel that security
> >is most on the minds of concerned parents and is an area that should be
> >highlighted if
> >Linux is to gain more supporters.
> >
> >I'm sorry if this is a bit long winded but I would be glad to here any
> >responses either
> >to my initial question or concerning the issue itself.
> >
> >  --
> >Andrew
> >Blackburn
> >England
> >
> >  --Learning at the deep end--
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >
> >Personal website for M.E. news, views & treatments:
> >       http://www.godot.connectfree.co.uk
> >   - home of the ME Medics Online Directory.
> >
> >
> >
> >

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