Hmm. just adding my two cents:

I've been watching porn since I was like... uhhm... 6 or so. Ok, at that age I
didn't understand what it was all about, except that married people did those
kind of things, but anyway... It hasn't made me a less responsible, or more
perverted human being. As a matter of fact, I kind of dislike porn nowadays,
since I regard most of it as cheap filth. Some porn goes beyond the average "get
two ugly people in bed and film the action as explicitly as possible" style that
governs the market, but that kind of "quality porn" is scarce.

But anyway, porn right now can't really attract my attention anymore, and I
usually even change the channel when yet another stupid cheap erotic movie is
playing. Not to say I don't enjoy sex, but just not all the cheap rubbish they
show on TV, or what's to be found on all major XXX-sites.

Of course I can only speak for myself, but I regard myself as the living proof
that watching porn doesn't make you a pervert. So why bother about your kiddies
becoming perverts just 'coz they watch porn on the web? Ok, at first they'll be
very interrested, they'll download tons of pics and movies, even print some out,
share with their friends, and probably play with themselves while watching it.
So what? It's just a stage they have to pass trough, and we all know that kids
in their puberty find their way to porn one way or another anyway, or do you
think my parents realized how much of that shit I have looked at in my life?

But ask yourselves this question: what do you prefer? A 13-year old kid that
watches tons of porn, and experiments with himself while watching it, only to
realise when he matures that it's actually cheap rubbish, and then when he's
passed that stage can enjoy a normal healthy sex-life with his partner of
choice, or do you prefer creating a human being that will engage in a
relationship so insecure about intimity because he's always regarded it as
something of a taboo, and even something evil? Probably even an individual who's
been so frustrated all of his life because he always heard stuff about it, but
never really knew what it was all about. This individual will never enjoy sex in
his whole life. Oh yes, he'll _have_ sex, but he won't _enjoy_ it, odds are he
won't be able to keep a decent relationship for long either, since he'll be one
hell of a screwed up person (ok, I'm going into extremes here, but you get my

I don't believe in forcing porn upon young kids just to have them realise the
facts of life, but I also don't believe in this rigid censorship which has
ruined more lives troughout the years than drugs has. I believe that when a
6-year old kid comes asking you what words like "vagina" and "condom" mean, you
should have an open conversation in which the kid doesn't get the impression
it's something of a taboo, or evil/perverted. Of course, if I had a 6-year old
daughter and she came up to me asking "Daddy, what does 'sodomize' mean?", I
would be baffled at first too, and I don't really know if I would have an answer
for her right away, but then again, it's these moments that make parentship such
a fun job, I suppose. ;-)

Note, I don't have any kids, nor am I married myself. So these opinions are not
the ones of a parent, but the ones of the child of parents who always have had
an open policy about sex and sex-related questions. I turned out quite OK, and
so will many other kids if you give them a chance to prove they're actually more
mature than you'd think. Besides, censorship doesn't work, there's always
classmates who bring porn-mags into school etc... I'd prefer if my future kids
would learn about sex from me and my future wife, than from the other kids in

On May 7 Marc wrote:

> finally some one says some thing about hate pages other than porn pages. i
> mean yes it is bad for a kid to see porn at a young age but what about
> seeing a hate filled sign? i guess morally any more porn is worse than hate.
> sorry for going off the topic but props to Del


Rial Juan                        <>
                e-mail:              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Belgium            tel:                    (++32) 89/856533
ulyssis system admininstrator       <>

The little critters in nature; they don't know they're ugly.
That's very funny... A fly marying a bumble-bee...


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