Hi Vicky, I'm not sure if this would help in your particular case, and I'm assuming you don't have a winmodem, but it sounds similar to what I went through a few months ago. Here's something someone posted awhile back that got me out of where you seem to be now (KPPP hell).
If you try it, try to follow it to the T. I was amazed that it actually works once you properly complete each step!:

For all you with pnp modem problems, this is how I got my usr 56k internal
ISA modem to work pnp:
1. Type "/sbin/pnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf" ##this loads info on your
ISA PnP board(s) into the appropriate .conf file.
2. Type "/sbin/isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf" ##this makes your existing
ISA PnP configuration active.
3. open your isapnp.conf file. You will have to remove the comment line
from a couple of the resources listed, depending on how you want to set it
up. Half way down the file you'll see a comment that says multiple choice
You have to choose what IRQ and com you want to use. Com1=0x3f8,
Com3=0x3e8, Com4=0x2e8. Here is an example of what I uncommented:
# Start dependent functions: priority preferred
# Fixed IO base address 0x02f8
# Number of IO addresses required: 8
(IO 0 (SIZE 8) (BASE 0x02f8))
# IRQ 3.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
(INT 0 (IRQ 3 (MODE +E)))
This put me on Com2 IRQ 3. After you know what com port and irq you set it
you can go onto the next step
3. Type "setserial /dev/ttySx port y irq z spd_vhi autoconfig"
##notation is as follows: "x" is your COMport, with 0=COM1, 1=COM2,
2=COM3, 3=COM4; "y" is the standard (or defined) address of that port,
e.g. 0x3e8; "z" is the interrupt used by that port, usually 4 or 3;
thus, if your modem is on COM1 with a standard address & IRQ, the line
would read "setserial /dev/ttyS0 port 0x3f8 irq 4 spd_vhi autoconfig" .
Oh, yes:"spd_vhi" is optional, I'd advise using it with a 56k modem,
mine runs faster with it, but you could leave it off without a problem.
4. Type "rm /dev/modem" ##you may get a "not found" message, which
is fine; if a /dev/modem" is found, you'll be asked to confirm this
removal, type "y" to proceed.
5. Type "ln -s /dev/ttySx /dev/modem" ##this establishes the linkage
needed for your modem, not essential, but conventional; again, "x" here
is the same as "x" in item 3 above.
6. With a text editor, open your "/rc.local" file, add the
"setserial" command defined in item 3 above at the end of the file, save
the file and exit the editor. ##For example, if your editor is xemacs,
you'd type "xemacs /etc/rc.d/rc.local", then add the "setserial" command
7. Exit, logout, and reboot (not just restart Xserver). You should
see a line for ISA PnP devices as you boot up. That should do it :)
Thanks to Alan for help via his previous message
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Sinclair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 5:53 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem jumper settings

> At 01:38 AM 2/15/00 -0500, you wrote:
> >Is there a way to get linux to detect my USR internal 56k modem when the
> >cards jumpers are set to PnP?
> >Right now I have to set the jumpers to PnP to work with windows and set
> >the jumpers to com2 to get it to work with Linux.
> Hi,
> Could you let me know if you get any answers to your PNP problem? I'm
> having the exact same problem.
> Thanks,
> Ron Sinclair
> AKA NipponDSM
> ______________
> ICN 3765104
> http://members.tripod.com/~WIGGLIT/page2.html
> http://www.dsm.org

At 09:34 PM 05/10/2000 -0700, you wrote:

okay I found drakconf :) right there on my desktop, when I look in
there  nothing is listed for modem. I am so confused , I thought I had
it installed okay , when i ran minicom I got the ok. I called my isp ,
they  said they dont support linux and even though the admin has a BS in
comp sci and is msce ,,etc He doesnt know anything about it and wasnt
sure if it is chap or pap. I havent seen any responses to my pleas for
help , this is the first maling list I have ever been on also. So even
if you cant help me with this problem could someone email me and tell me
if this got sent out to everyone ,   thx Vicky

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