Well guy, Linux can be made basically into any environment you want it to
be....did you learn microshaft in a day?  Since linux is about 10 times more
powerful than microshaft how can you expect to un-pack the box and be an
expert....there are literally hundreds of books out there and a ton of
helpful people here, now all you have to do is become a learned user, read,
learn, try, re-install ;) when you mess up and start over.  I am still a
newbie myself, I have tons of questions too, but linux is still a baby and
growing....that's what makes it so cool!  we all get to grow up with it and
not have a package shoved down our throats that costs $89.95 every year to



----- Original Message -----
From: "pH0-tone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2000 8:02 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie]

I can't install Linux Mandrake 7.0 on an Ultra66 (www.promise.com) drive.
Linux becomes unable to find any hard drives.
I can install it on my IDE onboard controller hard drive, but then it won't
recognize my U66 drive. But I want to get it well! I want Linux to recognize
and find anything. I want Linux to work for me and for the Humanity!!! I
want that Linux has all the features and more than that FUCKING ÂÌÑÄØ
I want Linux to work just as it was thought to... And I wonder why there are
so little music programs for Linux. Such an impression that Linux is for
hackers only. Please remove this impression! Make Linux as friendly as it
must be. The friendlier the system, the better the world!

> You are comparing apples to oranges. Win/dos is a completely different OS
> compared to Linux so it's not fair to ask why something will work in one
and not
> the other.
> You haven't given us much to work on here .... did you get Linux installed
> did you get an error saying that it can't find your hard drive during
> Help is available just let me know where your at.
> Jay

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