Hello list,

I think I'm the newist (?) newbie on the list. I signed up yesterday,
before I upgraded from RH 5.2 to Mandrake 7.

Andrew Scotchmer wrote:

> Though I would like some things to be made easier, most of which have been
> mentioned in the Discussion thread,  I do feel that to make it too user
> friendly would rob Linux of it's unique position and it's marvels.  Heck, if it
> becomes to user friendly with everything done without a thourght being required
> from the user, why don't we just all jack it in and reinstall Windoze!!!!
> What do you all think out there???

I'm not familiar with the history of this thread, but after wrestling
with an other linux install/config for nine months, I found the upgrade
to Mandrake to be a breeze, even if I did lose my mouse functionality in
the process. And while reconfiguring the mouse, I lost my keyboard too!
Somehow, Mandrake fixed things, after I told Lilo to boot my
"old_linux." What other OS. could manage to do that!?

I've accomplished more in 24 hours with Mandrake, than I have in a month
with my old Linux, let alone some other type of OS.

Linux may not be user friendly, at first, but the bug fixes are free,
and you don't have to wait a year + for the fixes to be rolled out.

Almost Microsoft free.


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