I think the best way to make what you want would be to create a new
group dedicated to the files shared by fred and tom. Lets call it
fredandtom (groupadd fredandtom).
Make Both fred and tom member of this new group (by adding "fred,tom" to
the entry fredandtom in the /etc/group file).
Then make the fredandtom group the owner of /home/shared (chgrp
fredandtom /home/shared). From now on, the files in /home/shared whose
group is fredandtom and are group writable (chmod g+w file) will be
accessible to both tom and fred. But the files whose group is fred or
tom will be only accessible to respectively fred or tom.


John Rye wrote:
> I have two users call them 'fred' and 'tom'
> I need for these two users to be able to share files (usually text).
> Both users are members of their own groups named for their usernames.
> How should I go about this?
> 'fred' may NOT have access to 'tom's files and 'tom' may NOT have
> access to 'fred's files.
> I intention is to create a directory named say: /home/shared or similar
> in which these two users can drop the exchange files.
> As I remember if I make both of these users members of the same group
> the each is able to 'see' what the other is doing? or has in her
> directory. That is not an option in this case..
> Suggestions are most welcome.
> Cheers.
> John
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