hi flupke,
your answer to john's post is interesting because it says that a group
can own files, i always assumed that an 'owner' had to be a user (though
i never saw that written anywhere), can a group also be a member of
another group like a user can?


flupke wrote:
> I think the best way to make what you want would be to create a new
> group dedicated to the files shared by fred and tom. Lets call it
> fredandtom (groupadd fredandtom).
> Make Both fred and tom member of this new group (by adding "fred,tom" to
> the entry fredandtom in the /etc/group file).
> Then make the fredandtom group the owner of /home/shared (chgrp
> fredandtom /home/shared). From now on, the files in /home/shared whose
> group is fredandtom and are group writable (chmod g+w file) will be
> accessible to both tom and fred. But the files whose group is fred or
> tom will be only accessible to respectively fred or tom.
> Flupke
> John Rye wrote:
> >
> > I have two users call them 'fred' and 'tom'
> >
> > I need for these two users to be able to share files (usually text).
> >
> > Both users are members of their own groups named for their usernames.
> >
> > How should I go about this?
> > 'fred' may NOT have access to 'tom's files and 'tom' may NOT have
> > access to 'fred's files.
> >
> > I intention is to create a directory named say: /home/shared or similar
> > in which these two users can drop the exchange files.
> >
> > As I remember if I make both of these users members of the same group
> > the each is able to 'see' what the other is doing? or has in her
> > directory. That is not an option in this case..
> >
> > Suggestions are most welcome.
> >
> > Cheers.
> >
> > John
> >
> > --
> > --------------------------------------
> > New Zealand - Home of the Americas Cup
> > --------------------------------------

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