That worked on my brother computer.  He has a SOYO
socket 7 motherboard.  I forget the exact model.  He
disabled apmd and it got better.  When I had that same
motherboard in my old computer I had to disable
Advanced power management in my bios and apmd to get
it to stop.

--- Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, Fran Parker wrote:
> >Same here....I don't shutdown the computer...I only
> reboot and shut
> >off the computer from there, I hate getting error
> messages! :)
> >
> >> BTW, I can shutdown and restart, and I do NOT
> >> get this problem. Odd, eh?
> Did you all get the message Dacia sent in? In it he
> says of knowing of the
> same problem, and that disabling advanced power
> management in the BIOS
> fixed the problem
> Paul
> -- 
> Read the funnies.
> Throw the rest of the paper away
> )0(    [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]    )0(
> -  ICQ 147208
> Registered  Linux  User   174403

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