Thanks Ronald...I will try this.
Seems funny though that if it doesn't find it there (and
it does look there) it also looks in my /home/fran directory
and still doesn't find it.

Not sure what the problem is there, but will put it in the
share directory and see if it helps.


"Ronald J. Hall" wrote:

> Fran Parker wrote:
> > Now do you you know how to get lxdoom to says it can't
> > find an IWAD...I have downloaded the shareware 1.8 wad file,
> > I have gone to get the iwad file they had and unzipped it...doom1.wad
> > Anyway it can't find it and I tried to run it in terminal window to see
> > it's complaints ... they only thing it says besides the memory size is
> > it can't find an IWAD file!
> >
> > I am at a lose as to how to proceed.  Any help?
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Bambi
> Hi. On my setup of lxdoom, the doom1.wad file
> goes in /usr/share/games/doom. Hope this helps!

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