On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, iagoba wrote:

> Oks, I finally could made than Linux detects my Ethernet Card, thanks to
> all :)), but now I got the next problem, HOW can I configure my lan? I
> got two computers in my house, connected by a Twisted RJ-45, the other
> computer got W98 (and the modem to connect to Internet), how can I must
> configure Linux to allow it to see the other computer, and the access to
> Internet? 
To communicate between the two comps, once the two nics are properly
setup, with private ip addresses, you're done. You can, for example,
telnet your linux box from your windows. You can share your files by
setting up samba on your linux box, ...

To share your internet connection, it's another problem. You say that your
modem is on your zInbl0w$ box. That's a bad, idea! You can use proxies and
such, running under windows, but you shouldn't. It's not secure.
The best way to do it, is to configure your modem on your linux box, and
then setup the masquerading so that you will be able to browse the
internet from your intranet.
Read the ip-masquerading-HOWTO for more infos about that.

>       Thanks to all for your help, you're helping me a lot in my first
> attempt to install this OS :)
>                                                               Iagoba
> P.D.: I got other question, I develop in C++, I got one C++ compiler in
> Linux, isn't it? 
Of course... It's called gcc.

> Re-P.D.: Sorry for my English , I'm Spanish 


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