> I have a domain name registered to my IP Address.  I am trying to set my Linux
> box up as a mailserver.  All I want to do, is be able to get mail at
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Can anyone out there give
> me some advice as to how to set this up using Sendmail.  I am not sure where to
> start. I do have send mail up and running except when I type in; "sendmail
> status" from the command line it says "user uknown".  Any help advice or
> refrences would be greatly appreciated.
> If you need more information or more specific information please let me know.
> Thanks in advance,
> -Mike

Yeah, don't use sendmail.  It will drive you batty.  Qmail or
Postfix would be much better choices.  There is another mail
server who's name I can't quite remember that is specifically
designed for small time users.  I wish I could remember the name
offhand, maybe somebody else can remember.

BTW, qmail's claim to fame is that it is VERY secure.  There
is/was some kind of prize on the qmail web site for somebody to
find a security hole.  Far as I know the prize is unclaimed :-)


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