
I've tried what you were saying and changed the bootGUI from 1 to 0.  I
also noticed that at the top it says UninstalDir=D.  That is the drive
that i am missing.  could that have something to do with it?


On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Tom Brinkman wrote:

> On Wed, 05 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> > I was wondering if someone could answer a technical question for me.
> > 
> > Recently I installed Mandrake 7.1 on my personal computer.  Mandrake will 
> > automaticaly mount your media for you, whether it's HDs, zips, cds, etc.  I am 
> > using a dual boot system, windows and then of course linux.  On the windows 
> > partition I have two drives, C:\ and D:\  Well when I am running Linux, I can 
> > see both of the windows partitions and can even access the files across the 
> > partition (from Linux onto windows).  But when I boot into Windows I can't  see 
> > the D:\ drive.  I can access the C but can't even see the D.  Does anybody have 
> > any suggestions as to what I can do to resolve this?
> > 
> > Sean
>    'Bout all I can do is make some vague suggestions from memory.  
> I had the same situation sometime ago when I installed 7.0.  My C:
> is hda, the whole drive. I wanted to set aside some fat32 space on
> hdb, ie, of the 8 gig drive, 5 for Linux and 3 for fat32.  No
> problem, Mandrake did the deal and even formated the 3 gig space as
> fat32.
>    BUT, when I booted Windoze I expected to see C: and the new D:
> It wasn't there.  Long time ago, I was advised to use DOS utilities
> on DOS partitions, Linux utils on Linux partitions.  So, I booted
> to a DOS (not DosMode) prompt** and ran dos' FDISK.  Best I can
> remember, the solution was as simple as setting the partition (the 3
> gigs on hdb) as 'active'.  Then windoze could see it, and called it
> D:
> ** easiest way to do this for W9x is edit MSDOS.SYS and change
> BootGUI=1,   to BootGUI=0    You'll then boot to a dos prompt,
> typing WIN   starts Windoze.  You can also use TweakUI to do this.
> -- 
> ~~   Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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