look on your CD...and install  ALL   " devel  " rpms
then install apache again

Jim Dwyer wrote:
> I'm trying to install apache from the mandrake installation CD.  I'm using
> kpackage to install the rpm but i keep getting dependecy problems.
> Here they are:
> m is needed by apache-1.3.12-12mdk
> libmm.so.10 is needed by apache 1.3.12-12mdk
> Help, what's wrong.  How do i fix.  Thanks
> Jim

<===============    KompuKit    ===================>
Kit Goins        ICQ# 7110071           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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WebServer:        http://kompukit.dyndns.org
(Server Runs between M-F 6pm-12am,S+S 12pm-12am EST)
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