Oh dear.  I am going off-topic here, but I can't help myself...

"Robert McNealy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Nobody "froces" anyone to sell their company.  That is a business decision,
> most often for the best of the business-owner.  Microsoft has the clout to
> "buy" its expertise.  None of these exchanges can happened with consent.
I think you mean '"forces"' and "can happen without consent"...not
trying to be unkind, just to make sure I am understanding you.  Uhm.  Do
you know anything about Microsoft's business practices or history?
Things certainly *can* happen without consent.  Ask the folks at

> Many of would not be in the IT, MIS, PC industires if it weren't FOR
> Microsoft.  Through their business practices, they mass-marketed and made
> computers easy to use and popular.  No one can argue that. Apple did not, or
> we would all be rooting for government to chew them a new a--hole.
Apple's approach and tactics were and are vastly different from the
folks in Redmond's.  Microsoft did not make  computers easy to use and
popular.  (Easy to use?  Even seen a Blue Screen of Death?  How many
times do you want to crash today?)

> If you hate Windoze, don't use it.  But for many of us, we have to still
> hybrid still because so many applications are not available in Linux, and so
> many customers want Win Appz. Not to mention many of our average secretary
> tyes would never be able to figure out how to use linux.  I still know so
> many users to who have a hard enough time learning Outlook.
ARGH.  Speaking as a former "average secretary type" (also a former
archaeologist, freelance writer, and bookseller, among other things)
turned tech writer, I managed to "figure out how to use linux" just
FINE, thank you.  Please don't stereotype!

(In case you're interested, my home box, on which I recently installed a
new 13.6 gig hd BY MYSELF, has 3 OSes on it currently (Windows
98/MS-DOS, Mandrake Linux 7.1, and FreeBSD 4.0) and will soon add one
more (BeOS).

Also, Outlook sux.  :P  I have to use it at work.  And you are right
about many people having to use Windows (which is *not* an OS; it just
thinks it is...MS/DOS is the OS) but not because applications aren't
available.  Because we have no choice on the job.

> Come on, in the early 80's everyone hate IBM, because they were the "Evil
> Empire", now it is MS.  I bet it will be SUN (maybe Cisco) next.  Look how
> they "protect" Java.
Fiddlesticks.  The reason people dislike M$ is not because they are a
large corporation, but because of their cutthroat attitude and shady
business practices.  The lack of control, lack of backwards
compatibility, frequent crashing, and software bloat are
not-inconsiderable factors too.

> Come on.  MS bashing is so old.  Let's ignore it and get some Linux work
> done.
The post you replied to was one mainly reminiscing about Tandy (I had a
WP2!), Atari, and Amiga.  *nostalgic sigh*  Not mainly M$ bashing.

Sorry, nice list peoples.  I wanted to get that off my chest.  I shall
go sit down and be quiet again now.  *sheepish grin*

Kathleen Dickason
Registered Linux user #182139

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