I'm not sure that I agree with the whole sound quality
thing.  I've encoded a number of mp3's of the past year
using grip/bladeEnc at 320.  Everyone that I've had
listen to both the mp3 and the original cd says that they
can't tell the difference.  Others say they can but the
result is totally random.  One of my friends actually
prefers the sound of the mp3's.  He was a former musician
and he picked the mp3 file like five out of six times.
The lesson?  Encode your mp3's at a higher bit rate and
don't use the crappy sound xing encoder .... the disk
space?  In a year you'll be buring a 100gig drive for
under $100 and you can get 650meg cdr's for .40 now.


Dacia and AzureRose scribed:

> Speaking as a musician, I've never heard an MP3 that
> didn't sound flat, compressed, uninspiring and
> insipid.  In my opinion they aren't worth paying for.
> The only use for them that makes any sense to me is
> for marketing ends.
> So, theres my .02 for what its worth from a person who
> is almost completely disinterested in the whole
> napster/MP3/RIAA thing.  Looks like idiots fighting
> over who owns the storm in sandstorm ;-)
> Dacia

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