Tom wrote:
   A little more opinion:  A few years ago, AoL got mostly clueless
newbies as new signups. (hence the disdain by 'veteran' Net users).
Within 6 months, most realized that AoL sux, and moved to other
ISP's.  Within the last year or so, AoL seems to have that turned
around. Either their service is better, or the newbies are even
more clueless ;->
~~   Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

i respond:
i was using AOL back when they were...  darn, what were they called...  bloody heck, i 
can't remember now -- anyhowz, before they were AOL, and the service is not getting 
better in my opinion.  of course, i will be first to tell you that i use AOL for one 
thing only, chatting with people.  some people say the content is getting better, but 
i really can't speak to that.  i can say however that i think their interface stinks.  
Compuserve was always my baby, and when AOL bought them i cried for days.

to bring this back to Linux....  AOL use to have a DOS program, which i use to use 
intstead of the windoze version as i liked it better.  if i were AOL i'd make a linux 
version of the software & get it out there.  as someone said, if you are using linux, 
why would you use AOL.  i think this is true about....  60% of the time?  i mean, lets 
think about how many people (like me) are experimenting with linux now days.  i'm sure 
some of them use AOL, and being able to take that access with them just might make 
linux a more attractive choice.

while the thought using AOL & linux makes me gag  (hahaha), in the end, it might be a 
good thing for linux -- in so far as making the newbe feel a bit safer with it.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

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