Tom wrote:
   Did you loose the Carriage Return <Enter> key Adrian ? ,
you're 6 monitors wide!!

me:  i am?  very sorry. i'm on GroupWise5.5 at work, and IS locks us out of 
everything.  plus, this isn't what i use at home for email.
if anyone can tell me what settings to check so my mail is readable, email me at my 
address below & i'll work on it.

then Tom wrote:
     If you use 'chat', you might'se well throw security out the
window.  If you use AoL for anything the same applies, both are a
major target for the script kiddies. The combo of Aol and Chat is
deadly sooner or later.  That fact is never mentioned on CNN when
they report the latest DoS attack/virus on the Net. I believe uncle
billy must be payin' 'em off. Still 'chat' (IRC) under any OS is
very high risk. 

and i say:  oh, i agree.  i never said chat was safe, i just use it sometimes.  i 
suppose i should try to practice safe computing.....   =)

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

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