Tom Brinkman wrote:

>    Most, including myself, believe NS is still the most viable
> browser currently available for Linux. Also that the best way to
> avoid problems it still has, is to not use it for mail and news.

Do you, or does anyone else here, have a recommendation for a good mail
program that can handle large amounts of graphics and html mail, and with a
strong filtering feature? I've spent the past week playing with mail
programs and have yet to find one better than that included with Netscape,
which is kinda sad.

I believe both Pronto! and Mahogany support graphical mail, but I can't get
either one working. I get mired in Perl error messages with Pronto! and
Mahogany is just inscrutable. I've passed it around the office here and
nobody has been able to understand how to set that program up (and usually
mail programs are dead simple--answer 3 or 4 questions and you're off).
Anyway, it's frustrating.

Pine of course has always been the most powerful mail program for Linux, and
I used it religiously years ago, but nowadays a text-only program just isn't


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