I figured out the problem. I did not have permission to write to the imwheel.pid file. 
so I logged in as su, gave myself permission, and now it works like a charm.
Thank-you very much for all your help. I know that you must get annoyed at all these 
little mistakes that us newbies make.
Thanks again
Ken Wahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > That was one problem. I am very new at this and I did not know I had to make it an 
>executeable. I am no longer getting the error message, but imwheel still doesn't 
>start automantically.
> > any other suggestions anyone?
> > 
> First:  Are you  sure it's not running?
> At a Konsole or Xterm type "top" this will show you all the current
> processes.  Then type "u" and it will ask for a user name.  Enter your
> user name and press return.  If imwheel is started it will show up in the
> list. Press "q" to quit.  This way you will know if it is not started or
> started and just not working properly.
> Second: Thanks to Alan we have a better way to autostart Imwheel.
> Go to your autostart folder and right click, choose New|Application. 
> Change the name of the kdelnk from Program.kdelnk to imwheel.kdelnk and
> press OK. A new window will open with four tabs (General, Permissions,
> Execute, Application) and click on permissions tab. Here make sure the
> Exec box is checked for user and move on to the execute tab. In the
> execute tab write the path to imwheel (/usr/X11R6/bin/imwheel -k) without
> the parantheses.  You can also click on the cog icon to change the icon
> you want to use but it is not necessary.  Click on Application.  Type
> "imwheel;Imwheel;" without the quotes in binary pattern.  In comment you
> can put something like "starts Imwheel" or nothing. Under name put
> imwheel.  You can ignore the two boxes at the bottom with the arrows.
> Once you have done all this you can hit OK and you are done.  You have
> created a kdelnk (similar to windows shortcut) in your autostart folder
> which will start imwheel for you when you log in.  Thanks Alan!
> Get rid of the script to start imwheel and just leave the new
> kdelnk.  Then logoff and log back in and look at the output of the top
> command.  We can go from there.
> -- 
> #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#
> | Ken Wahl, CCNA   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  PGP Key ID:  3CF9AB36 |
> | PGP Public Key:  http://www.ipass.net/~kenwahl/pgpkey.txt |
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