Vic wrote:
> Speaking of Gaming,  has anyone had a problem with
> Heroes 3 for Linux freezing after the music stops?
> I downloaded the demo and after the music quit, the game
> froze and I had to get out the good ol' trusty virtual terminal
> and kill it.

Hi Vic. I d/l'ed the Might and Magic 3 demo just the other day, and
unfortunately, I have the same problem. Whenever I exit the game, end
turn, etc, etc, the game music stops and the game is locked at that
point, totally unresponsive.

Hmm. I didn't kill it via terminal though. I just <control> <alt>
<F-10>, shutting down the Xserver, then relogging back in. Guess either
way works though, eh? ;-)

If anybody knows a fix for this, please pass it along. Also, does
anybody know if this problem is limited to the demo? I'd really like to
know as this is one of the games that I'd really like to purchase the
full version of.

Thanks! ;-)


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