A couple of things.

First, RH 6.2 installation will proceed on a Tbird or Duron but you will
receive a Kernel panic on reboot.


This issue appears to be related to a Processor Serial Number function
supported by Redhat that the Duron does not. There are two possible
resolutions depending upon the status of your installation.

1. When first installing Redhat 6.2 (or 6.1) you will be asked at some stage
if you require any special parameters for the kernel. At this point enter:

Once installed, this parameter is already in the kernel and there is no need
to do more.

2. If Redhat was already installed type at the lilo prompt:
linux x86_serial_nr=1

Once you boot, recompile the kernel with the: "Disable Serial Number at
boot" left clear.

Next, to the person saying RAMBUS memory and the Athlon work better together
... umm... no ... chipsets designed to work with the AMD Processors are
designed for PC100, PC133, or DDR memory.  Not RAMBUS.

Also, Abe is correct that the power supply and RAM must be of high quality.
However, the A7V has a promise technology controller (in addition to the
chipsets IDE controller).  Some people are trying to boot Linux from a hard
drive attached to the Promise controller.  AFAIK, this doesn't work.

If someone knows the comparative GRUB commands for the following LILO then
it might work...

ide3=0xa000,0x9802 ide4=0x9400,0x9002

Hope that helps.  This link might also be of interest.



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2000 8:37 PM
Subject: Re: [[newbie] Athlon thunderbird & ka7-100]

Abe wrote:

> I'm running mandrake 7.1 on a Duron 600 with ASUS A7V motherboard.  I did
> install myself.  7.1 installed perfectly on my system.  Perhaps it is the
> board that is causing the problems?  The other possible issue is power
> and RAM.  The Athlon series want a high quality 300w power supply and AMD
> recommends that you use new ram in conjunction with these chips.  I'm
> pc-100 ram that is about a year old in my system and I haven't had any
> problems.
> Good luck!
> Abe
> >===== Original Message From Michael Scottaline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> =====
> >"Scott Adamson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >> Has anyone managed to get any distro to work with an AMD Athlon
> >& an Abit KA7-100 motherboard ? machine runs windows NT fine, installs
> Redhat,
> >but it fails with a kernel panic when trying to start for the first time,
> >Gentus Linux ( rebadged Redhat supplied with the motherboard) would not
> >complete the installation and Caldera wouldn't install (fortunately it
> >quickly :). The machine is not overclocked.
> >================================
> >Hi Scott,
> >       I'm running L-M 7.1 on an Athlon Thunderbird 750.  ASUS A7V,
200mhz FSB.
> >Can't be too much help on install, however, since i bought the box with
> >pre-installed from ASL.  Obviously it's possible, but not sure if they
had to
> >jumpp through any hoops to get it running.  I did notice that they had
> >upgraded the kernel to 2.2.16.
> >Mike
> >
> >"Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol
> >than alcohol has taken out of me."
> >       --Winston Churchill
> >
> >____________________________________________________________________
> >Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at
> http://home.netscape.com/webmail
> Jesus saves,
> Allah forgives,
> Chthulu thinks you'd make a nice sandwich.

if u have sound on mother board. turn it off. check it

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