Richard Garand wrote:
> Yesterday i tried to install mandrake, but with problems that got worse
> every time i tried to fix them, i had to repartition my disk and reinstall
> windows. Here's everything i remember, can anyone help me with these
> problems?
> The first time i tried to install mandrake, i chose "customized"
> installation. After repartitioning and selecting packages, i got some errors
> (before it started installing the packages). I started windows and ran the
> installer again, 

Actually, you answered your own question. You  made the same mistake
twice. You started the install from inside windows. This is something
that I WISH the folks at Mandrakesoft would address, cause it's becoming
painfully clear that installing from within Windows or behind a DOS
partition is a REAL bad thing.

Putting it mildy. Linux is an Operating system and not a windows
application, it should therefore be treated as such. I don't say that to
scold you or to demean you in any way, rather to make a point crystal
clear that obviously is not being made clear enough.

You cannot and should not EVER attempt to install one OS from inside
another OS and not expect or be ready for the worst to happen to the
host OS. In this case Windows. At this point I won't go into all the
wherefores and what-nots. Suffice it to say that yours, or anyone's best
option for installing Linux is to boot the CDROM, run the installer as
it was REALLY intended to be run and take whatever steps necessary for
your application of Linux to install the Operating system.

Hope this helps,


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