
Which version of Mozilla was it that the JAVA didn't work for you? I
haven't had any trouble with M17, or M18 yet. In fact I'm waiting for the
latest nightly build of M18 to get done downloading so I can set it up. I
installed this one at the office and was pleasantly surprised to find that
they're tweaking the daylights out of this thing. It's no where near the
resource hog that it had been two weeks ago when I last checked. Memory
usage is down from 54% to 33% with the browser and email client running at
the same time. That's one heck of a tweak! The CPU usage is WAY down
also. With M17 the CPU usage was between 24 and 40 percent with browser
and mail client running. It was at a steady 0.03% for build
20000908. Quite impressive!

When Mozilla is finished it's going to be one HELL of a nice
Browser/Email/Editor suite. Functionally it's almost to the same place
that Netscape 4.75 is. I said "almost". Don't get too excited. They've got
a little ways to go yet cause it's a bit sluggish yet. I think there's a
few too many memory leaks yet and some other small issues. However! it
isn't far more crash resistant than Netscape 4.72, .73, .74, and
4.75. Pound for pound even in it's present state it's 3 times the
browser/email client that Netscape 4.xx is, and Netscape 6 can't even
smell it's dust. 

**  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed       | ICQ#27816299
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**  =\/=  message...                    | Registered Linux user #182496

On Fri, 8 Sep 2000, Roger Pithers wrote:

> On Fri, 08 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> > I just downloaded a web browser from  After I have been advised
> > to use JDK-1.1.6 to use with the browser, I went back to download that too.  So
> > far   it's just like a regular browser but cant use some of the feature like I
> > can on Netscape.  However   it hasnt froze or crashed on me yet. which I like
> > the most.  Keep your fingers cross....  lol   I've been searching around for a
> > better browser than Netscape.  Think I use Hot Java for awhile to see how that
> > goes.  Have to have a browser that can run java script.  Mozilla doesnt handle
> > java as of right now and Netscape keep crashing out on me.
> > 
> > Thought I let you guys know.
> > 
> > Rob
> Hi Rob,
> I have also downloaded Hot Java but can't get the hjb3_0-linux.sfx file to
> install even though I religious followed all the instructions.  I would be
> grateful for any tips you could give me.
> Thanks, 
> Roger

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