On Fri, 08 Sep 2000, you wrote:


>From what I heard at Mozilla.org is that the M17 browser isnt supported by Java
yet but is working on it .  Due to crash and security vulnerabitlity from what I
remember, they excluded it on that version.

> Rob,
> Which version of Mozilla was it that the JAVA didn't work for you? I
> haven't had any trouble with M17, or M18 yet. In fact I'm waiting for the
> latest nightly build of M18 to get done downloading so I can set it up. I
> installed this one at the office and was pleasantly surprised to find that
> they're tweaking the daylights out of this thing. It's no where near the
> resource hog that it had been two weeks ago when I last checked. Memory
> usage is down from 54% to 33% with the browser and email client running at
> the same time. That's one heck of a tweak! The CPU usage is WAY down
> also. With M17 the CPU usage was between 24 and 40 percent with browser
> and mail client running. It was at a steady 0.03% for build
> 20000908. Quite impressive!
> When Mozilla is finished it's going to be one HELL of a nice
> Browser/Email/Editor suite. Functionally it's almost to the same place
> that Netscape 4.75 is. I said "almost". Don't get too excited. They've got
> a little ways to go yet cause it's a bit sluggish yet. I think there's a
> few too many memory leaks yet and some other small issues. However! it
> isn't far more crash resistant than Netscape 4.72, .73, .74, and
> 4.75. Pound for pound even in it's present state it's 3 times the
> browser/email client that Netscape 4.xx is, and Netscape 6 can't even
> smell it's dust. 
> -- 
> Mark
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> **  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed     | ICQ#27816299
> ** <_||_> in the making of this               |
> **  =\/=  message...                  | Registered Linux user #182496
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Fri, 8 Sep 2000, Roger Pithers wrote:
> > On Fri, 08 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> > > I just downloaded a web browser from Download.com.  After I have been advised
> > > to use JDK-1.1.6 to use with the browser, I went back to download that too.  So
> > > far   it's just like a regular browser but cant use some of the feature like I
> > > can on Netscape.  However   it hasnt froze or crashed on me yet. which I like
> > > the most.  Keep your fingers cross....  lol   I've been searching around for a
> > > better browser than Netscape.  Think I use Hot Java for awhile to see how that
> > > goes.  Have to have a browser that can run java script.  Mozilla doesnt handle
> > > java as of right now and Netscape keep crashing out on me.
> > > 
> > > Thought I let you guys know.
> > > 
> > > Rob
> > 
> > Hi Rob,
> > 
> > I have also downloaded Hot Java but can't get the hjb3_0-linux.sfx file to
> > install even though I religious followed all the instructions.  I would be
> > grateful for any tips you could give me.
> > 
> > Thanks, 
> > 
> > Roger
> > 
> > 
> >

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