Larry Marshall wrote:
> > I agree regarding the root login - however seems that even in the GUIs
> > one needs to violate the conventions now and then.
> I guess my view is that the commandline has conventions and that the
> GUIs are now developing them.  I only have two neurons and so I need
> to use them wisely when it comes to learning sys admin.  So, I stick
> with commandline control.  Probably silly but it is my way.

Nuttin silly about it all... I keep a Console window open at all times
running Midnight Commander (Been using Norton for so many years now it's
real hard to navigate about any other way.

As for your two neurons - do you walk on yours?? Like me ??

> > I run single user here so the security issues are less of a concern,
> > if I can't fix what I just stuffed up - I reload the opsys. I have
> Me too but I need to protect my system from me and that's a big job
> :-)
> > Interface debates?? I just don't bother with them, I use KDE for my
> > primary user and Icewm for my secondary (which is used for maillist
> <grin>...UNIX has failed to enter the mainstream desktop because of
> interface debates.  Linux seems to be struggling with the same
> problem.  I don't worry about interface debates but I keep my eye
> squarely on them as it will affect my future with Linux whether I like
> it or not.
> > stuff), I find KDE does most of what I want. It's a bit slow on this
> I prefer it as well, though I admit that I haven't tried everything
> else.

I've recently returned to ?nix after being burned on four occassions by
system sneakers inside of of a couple of weeks. Initially was quite
frustrated trying to find my way around - things were sufficiently
different to Altos and Sco Xenix to get me really very confused. The
confusion still arises - hence my re-install count is 29 !!!! since

Just the fact that some things are in different places. I don't have
any recent ?nix documentation - I fall back to "The UNIX Programming
Environment" by Kerningham and Pike, which I think I aquired at my first
System Admin course way back in the early 80's.
> > Probably the quirk which bugs more than any other is a form of key
> > bounce from the mouse. I am partially disabled and don't have total
> I'm afraid I show my Windows stripes all too often with
> double-clicking apps.  I guess two is better than one but only
> sometimes.

I'm pretty certain my hassle is a timing thing within the mouse modules.
My Windows m/c is 'adjusted' so that I have to actually press and
release twice before the double gets activated. There has to be a way
and from the disability point-of-view needs to be addressed. I no longer
have the tenacity to reverse-engineer or write modules...
N'er mind we'll get there....
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