Vic this is Charley, sorry for using your computer without asking, 
I forgot my password and you were
not here when I got back from class.

Dude, its cool man just sit back, and 
drink a pop, have a smoke, I looked at
the config files, they look all ok _except_ the
Makefile, and from the looks of that core file,
that editor you are trying to write is still in beta,
don't use it for serious or critical work yet, we
still got to work some serious bugs out of it,
dude, use Vi, you know how to use it, I seen you
do it, just use Vi to edit the Makefile instead
of that beta editor of yours for now, change
the directories in it and test it, if it still
does not work, call me on my cel phone if I'm
not here when you get back and I will help you
when I get home.

Aiight homey??

L8R! -- Charley

On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> I think portsentry should be made so that it actyually works (screw typos)
> and pays attention to its config files, so that when you edit them,
> it makes the changes instead of ignoring them and then lying and
> saying that the configfiles are corrupt

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