> What a hard drive. That got my thinking of the old 500mi drive I had
to use
> to build a new system recently. And even the old 40 meg drives I have.

And look at what one had to pay for them back then.  It wasn't that many
years ago I was paying $150 for a 40Mb drive.  I upgraded to a (then
HUGE) 250Mb drive that cost me over $400.

Of course, the biggest problem with these new big drives (I see that
Hitachi are selling 72Gb drives on buy.com for $146, and I've seen 80Gb
(I think Maxtor)) is that although one can buy the drives cheaply
enough, how the heck does one back them up economically?  Look at the
prices of tape streamers that can handle such capacities (hint - second

(Who is really just VERY jealous #;-D)

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