> Larry Marshall says that another 64MB RAM will not improve S.O. or printer
> performance much on my setup (described in my original query below). 

Uh...no I didn't.  I really have no opinion on that subject.  Not sure
who said that or whether they are correct or not.

> a possible alternative to KOffice, I'm also thinking of dumping S.O. and trying 
>Corel WordPerfect for Linux. Any hope for that? If anyone else out there has a 
>suggestion for a (MS Word compatible?) word processor I can use 

Now here's a question that's near and dear to my heart as I'd like to
drop SO like a hot potato.  I have great hopes for KOffice.  I'm not
impressed with Corel's Wine-port approach to moving their software to
Linux so I don't see them as a good alternative.  I'd love to hear
from some folks with experience with Applixware regarding its
compatibility with MS Word and Excel.

> Mandrake, please let me know. Meanwhile, Steve (or anyone else), if you can let me 
>know where I could lay my hands on KOffice,  I'd appreciate it.

Looks to me like you've got to install the beta 7.2 version of Linux,
or at least the beta 1.94 version of KDE to try them out.

> I note also that impractically slow printer and word processing performance doesn't 
>occur much as a problem on this help list.

I haven't heard of slow printing problems and haven't had them
myself.  As for discussion of word processors, there's not much to
discuss...unfortunately :-)

> What are people using their Linux-Mandrake for? Or does everyone but me have a 
>Pentium III, 800Mhz, with a

I grumble everytime I hit the Star Office icon.  It lets me do what I
need to do (with a very limited font set) but only barely...and
slowly.  Does that help (grin)?

> getting a simple desktop setup together and running when my requirements are so 
>completely basic. I was weeks getting my modem/internet connection

Then you haven't read much about Linux from people who aren't in the
Linux development community (though in fairness even they will say
it).  The biggest rap against Linux is its lack of office apps. 
That'll change but it's tough right now.  

> to fall back on. What an irony given that I started all this to get clear of Bill 
>Gates and his Bandits!

For myself, I'm learning Linux and will move my writing work to this
environment when the tools improve.  That won't be long I think and I
have much to learn in the mean time.

Cheers --- Larry

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