On Tue, 26 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Has any one heard?
> The Microsoft Antitrust Case is going to a lower court. And if George W.
> Bush has his way. Mr. Bill
> will be able add - force people to accept what comes with Windows? It's a
> sad day.
> Just my $0.02
> Roman
Pardon my French, but who gives a s**t.  Let Microcrap do what they want. 
Let's face it, they have had ZERO innovation since the release of Windoze 95. 
Each "upgrade" is basically cosmetic with a few OEM packages thrown in for
added "benefits".  Windoze ME is worthless and not necessary.  Let them act how
they want, they will get theirs in the end.  Once other OS's (Linux, the new OS
X) start to take off in the desktop market, they will be forced to react....but
remember, everything Microsoft has they bought or stole from somebody...let's
see 'em try to buy Linux.  I think Gates might have to look up Open-source in a

"May the sound of happy music, And the lilt of Irish laughter, fill your heart with 
gladness, that stays forever after."
"May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend."

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