> Maybe I'm missing the obvious here, but what the fsck is it about US
> Politics that "even vaguely relates" to Linux?  Please, humor me, this
> bemused Linux user is eager to learn...
> I agree that "you post messages to a list for the benefit of that list
> seeing and responding".
> What makes you think that the Mandrake Linux Newbie list members (many of
> whom are from other countries) are even remotely interested in US politics?
> If I want Linux information then I sign up to a Linux list.  If I want that
> political crap I'll sign up to a US politics list.
> Regards,
> Ozz.
> (Who is about ready to quit this list until the twits get a clue)

Thank you Ozz...very well put. I'm glad that someone has finally said it
and it couldn't have been said any better. I live in the States and I
definately don't want to hear about this crap on the list. It's all ya
hear about in the stinkin news all the time. Enough already!


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