I use ReiserFS for data storage. Some directories have over 100,000 files
in them. ext2 worked but a directory listing took about a month to
generate. Also on my new server everything but /boot is ReiserFS and the
stability due to crashes, power loss, etc is great and everything runs
very quickly.

Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sungod robes
 on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little
pickles at you? -- Real Genius

On Wed, 4 Oct 2000, Tom Brinkman wrote:

> On Wed, 04 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> > okie, here is what i did.> in /mnt i had the usual> win_c
> > win_d> type things.
> > i went into fstab & changed things about (did this using KDE &
> > graphical interface) so that the drives would mount as windoze
> > (win_c)> games (win_d)> so, that worked.
> > if i go into /mnt then go into /windoze then i am on my win98 C:
> > drive. the odd thing is, the> win_c> win_d
> > are still in /mnt also. if i go into them, they are empty.
> > what up with this??  can i simply delete these as root?  or is
> > there some other solution?
>     Yes, delete them, you're not using them anymore
> >
> > second part of this....
> > i can read from my fat32 drives, but i can not write to some of
> > them. i checked in fstab & mtab.  all my fat32 drives are mounted
> > with the "rw" option, so this should put them in read-write mode,
> > yes??
>     Here's 'fstab' line for my Windoze drive.  I moved it out of 
> '/mnt/', to a dir named '/c'.  I can read/write/exe anything on that
> fat 32 partition (13.6 gig) as user.
>       /dev/hda1 /c vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
> I've seen several different 'fstab' lines for r/w/x a Windoze drive, 
> but this is the lien that has always worked for me. It's also the way
> 7.x versions of Mandrake have installed.
>    *Do Not* mess with 'mtab' !  Similar to your setup, I had a 
> storage partition for .jpg's, formatted fat32 so either OS could use 
> them. I used to mount it as '/d'. Fat32 wouldn't let me put more 
> than ~18,000 files in one dir tho.  When I installed 7.2b3 a few 
> days ago, I changed the format for this partion to ext2, and named 
> it '/stor' rather than '/d'.  It now has ~23,000 .jpg's in it  ;)
> -- 
> Tom Brinkman        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Galveston Bay

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