Adrian Smith wrote:
> okie, here is what i did.
> in /mnt i had the usual
> win_c
> win_d
> type things.
> i went into fstab & changed things about (did this using KDE & graphical interface) 
>so that the drives would mount as
> windoze (win_c)
> games (win_d)
> so, that worked.
> if i go into /mnt then go into /windoze then i am on my win98 C: drive.
> the odd thing is, the
> win_c
> win_d
> are still in /mnt also. if i go into them, they are empty.
> what up with this??  can i simply delete these as root?  or is there some other 

Adrian....yes just delete them from /mnt if you want them no

> second part of this....
> i can read from my fat32 drives, but i can not write to some of them.
> i checked in fstab & mtab.  all my fat32 drives are mounted with the "rw" option, so 
>this should put them in read-write mode, yes??

Stay away from the /etc/mtab file, it's dynamically written to
by the os and doesn't take kindly to folks messing around in
it.  You probably need to add 'user' and 'umask=0' to the
options field in the vfat lines of your /etc/fstab file.


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