>      Here's 'fstab' line for my Windoze drive.  I moved it out of 
>  '/mnt/', to a dir named '/c'.  I can read/write/exe anything on that

Not a bad idea Tom.  I just did:  

ln -s /mnt/windows win

with the link in my home directory.  Seems to work.  Any reason not to do it
that way?  One of the reasons I did it was that if I want to do something like
make a backup image of my root file system I can just do a umount -a and then
do the backup without picking up the DOS partitions.  Opnions?

>        /dev/hda1 /c vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
>  I've seen several different 'fstab' lines for r/w/x a Windoze drive, 
>  but this is the lien that has always worked for me. It's also the way

Ah...I've never seen any r/w/x syntax in any fstab I've worked.  Like you,
umask is what does it.  It also seems to be what Linux does...at least it has
on my systems :-)

>  them. I used to mount it as '/d'. Fat32 wouldn't let me put more 
>  than ~18,000 files in one dir tho.  When I installed 7.2b3 a few 

That's interesting.  One of those "gotchas".  Thanks for the info.

Cheers --- Larry

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