>    the odd thing is, the 
>    win_c
>    win_d
>    are still in /mnt also. if i go into them, they are empty.
>    what up with this??  can i simply delete these as root?  or is there some other 

Yes, and this demonstrates a problem with configuration via GUI tools; you are
one step removed from knowing what has occurred.  When you set up "windoze" as
a mount point, not only was fstab modified but a "mkdir /mnt/windoze" command
was issued.  You see, without an existing directory to serve as a mount point,
the code within fstab will simply generate an error.  so yes, you should be
able to delete the win_c and win_d directories.

>    second part of this....
>    i can read from my fat32 drives, but i can not write to some of them.

As a user you probably don't have write permission.  This is the default on
such partitions as a protection.  You can change that of course.

>    i checked in fstab & mtab.  all my fat32 drives are mounted with the "rw" option, 
>so this should put them in read-write mode, yes??

Huh?  and how did you determine this.  You wouldn't see "rw" anywhere.  If
fstab carries a umask=0,0,0 or something similar then it's unclear why you
can't write to your DOS drive but your questions don't suggest that you
understand the process sufficiently to have interpreted that syntax if it were
there.  Sorry if my conclusions are incorrect.

Cheers --- Larry

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