On Sat, 14 Oct 2000 04:22:51 -0400, you wrote:

>On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, you wrote:
>> Good evening:
>> I understand that Opera has released the beta of version 4.0. If you're
>> braver than I am, you may wish to give it a try. If so, keep us posted.
>> -- Carroll (not a Netscape fan)
>I have used Opera on Windows since 3.0.  I love this browser!  I have been
>waiting for the port to Linux for over a year now.  Thank God it is coming, now
>I can stop using Netscape soon.

I'm right there with you, Jay. I've used Opera since 3.4
something...don't remember what #exactly, but it was before 3.5 came
out. And though I do understand it will have its detractors because of
the open source thing, as well as the price tag thing (I heard $39
clams will be the ransom of this particular king) will turn off some
Linux users, the bottom line to me is it works, and it works better
than any other browser I've used. Once in a while I do run into
something its not compatable with, but as far as I'm concerned, thats
the only thing Netscape is for...



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