> I just downloaded Opera 4b and installed it without a problem. It loads
> well and fast. After going through some pages, I think there is definitely
> a future for Opera with Linux :)

I would agree Paul.  I still can't figure out why the rpms I download fail
but the tarfile installed without problem.  I REALLY like the way Opera
displays and manipulates bookmarks.  The fact that it automatically
loads Netscape and KDE bookmarks is a real bonus.  The download transfer
window is really nice as well.  Download speeds (DSL) seem a wee bit
better than Netcrash.  It seemed to have no problems reading any of the
pages (mostly Linux sites) that I went to.  No evidence of the font
problems I sometimes see with Netscape.

The program does have some problems, however.  In the hour or so that I
have played with it it crashed twice, though it did so without affecting
Linux which is a step up from Nutscape.  One downside, however, is that it
seems to save its settings only when you exit so a crash causes anything
you've set up to be lost.  Time will tell whether it replaces Netscape on
my desktop but it's got a good chance.

Cheers --- Larry

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