Title: RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 & S3 Trio 3D

we had the same problem on an IBM 300PL with the same video card, you need to use the Xfree86 server for VGA not SVGA and it will work fine, or do what we did we set it up with the

SVGA server but ran VNC on it and attached to it remotely

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Shoemaker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 & S3 Trio 3D

Iagoba wrote:
> Hello again
>         I was trying to Install Mandrake 7.1 in my job's computer, (I wanted
> show the Linux excelences to my boss), and I ever got the same problem,
> when I'm configuring the X Server, when I try to test the resolution
> mode the instalation crash! the window appears black and never returns
> to the instalation, I'm installing it in an:
>         IBM PC 300GL with 64MB Ram, S3 Trio 3D Integrated in the motherboard
> with 4MB, HD 2 GB for linux and 2GB for W98 and one Ethernet ne2000
> compatible.
>         I read that this video card is incompatible with linux, how could I
> configure X then? perhaps like Standard SVGA? or VGA? I can't install
> other Video Card, (is my job's computer, my boss don't let me do that),
>         Some help could be very very GREAT FANTASTIC!
> Iagoba

Iagoba....which xserver did you choose during the
installation?  The reason I ask is I've seen the behavior you
describe when installing the 4.0 beta server.  If you are
using it then perhaps you'll have better luck with the 3.3.6
MandrakeSoft Inc                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Altadena, CA USA                                     --Alan

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